The Rule of Jenny Pen: Excellent Acting, Short on Believability
IFC Films
The Rule of Jenny Pen, directed and written by James Ashcroft, is a 70’s era looking, mushroom taking, mind fuck that imagines a quasi nightmare scenario in an assisted living hospital.
With reminiscent shots of Kubrick’s The Shining, and a Stephen King-like story feel, what could’ve been something bracing and unsettling, never plausibly gets off its feet.
Stefan Mortensen (Geoffrey Rush), is a longtime judge, who seems to have had enough of the people he sees at court. From criminals who commit horrible crimes, but still claim to have “learned their lesson”, to making an example of victim’s families, he is just worn out.
When he has a sudden stroke during a trial, he is sent to an assisted living hospital of sorts. There he has the time to reflect on his life and succumb to the reality of his disabilities.
He spends a lot of time judging the people around him, as if he wasn’t going through some of the same things that put others there to begin with. HIs pharisaic behavior slowly starts to retreat as he begins to learn about what goes on there.
Dave Crealy (John Lithgow), also a resident, spends his days being loud, bullying and down right cantankerous to many of the other residents. His mischief making and disrespect of others annoys Stefan, which leads to a clashing of personalities that Stefan could never have expected.
The bigger the ego, the harder it falls
IFC Films
Dave consistently comes in resident’s rooms at night, playing a series of twisted “games” with his puppet Jenny Pen, meant to terrorize residents into submission and silence.
When Stefan starts to see it, Dave has already been playing these games with Stefan’s roommate Tony (George Henare) for an unknown time, and Stefan begins to question why Tony doesn’t just stick up for himself.
The “games” have made Tony extremely fearful of Dave, so he bows to “Jenny’s” every whim so that nothing worse happens.
Stefan’s situation turns for the worse, when he publicly starts judgmentally “guessing” a few residents life stories, in front of them. He insults his roommate Tony, guessing that he’s just a coward, then shifts to Dave, rightfully attacking his bullying.
Unfortunately, he succeeds in turning Dave’s attention to himself. Stefan, who vows never to fall victim to Dave, overestimates his physical abilities and underestimates his foe.
When Dave then starts messing with Stefan, he attempts to inform the staff about it, but they happen to be the worst, most cynical staff ever. Tony refuses to back him up and lies, so that the staff begins second guessing and gaslighting Stefan.
As expected, things then slowly begin to decline for Stefan as well, to serve as what appears as a humbling of the character, who once believed he knew and had seen it all.
in all honesty…
IFC Films
Lithgow and Rush both give delightful, strong performances of each character. Lithgow is an especially annoying antagonist, portraying the anti-social disordered Dave, with amusing glee and light hearted sadism.
The film itself was shot in wholly unsettling and unpalatable seventies-esque decor, eliciting the depressive feelings of actual buildings from the late 70’s and early 80’s.
Just my summary would have definitely drawn me towards this film as a movie-goer, however, what actually plays out is more silly, incredulous and nowhere near the level of scary it could’ve been.
The screenplay was full of holes, tension build up, and lacks crucial past information. We never get a real backstory on Dave and why he would be doing this to begin with. What is his power over these people and why would the catatonic staff take his side?
This leads to a rather boring antagonist, in action. As clever as Lithgow’s acting is in creating Dave’s personality, Dave wasn’t doing things that were so intimidating, that the entire residence, or just a few, couldn’t have grouped up to fix the problem before the film starts.
Anyone could’ve reported him at any time, but for some reason, they just don’t.
As is the structure of screenplays, there is always a “low point” for the protagonist, where, having fought through half the story, it seems that the protagonist can’t take anymore and gives in to the antagonist, in some way, before the final ascent.
IFC Films
Because of the lack of escalating behaviors by Dave, in action, when Stefan finally succumbs to Dave, Stefan hadn’t, believably, been through near enough to make it practical for him to succumb. It was very strange to witness and I felt like it was much too soon.
The doll itself is very basic and not scary or intimidating at all. Even with the extra creative uses of color, lighting and hazy psychedelic style, that brilliantly sets the emotional tone, there is nothing unsettling or intimidating about it.
It seemed as if Ashcroft and writers wanted these characters and situations to quickly resolve or hurry and get out of the way, rather than using the characters, as they are, to find their own way out.
There are so many spots throughout the script where: characters are silenced uncharacteristically; things brushed under the rug or staff not seeing anything, even with mirrors and cameras everywhere, that make things super easy for Dave to “win”; and, liberally throwing in the disability card only when it’s needed for Dave to continue to win, yet, at other times, we see those characters able to do things.
Literally take three fingers, or the nurse call hand button and jam him in the soft spot of the neck. That doesn’t take brute strength. If the residents can’t do that, there’s zero way the ending could’ve happened.
There’s a point where Dave plants something in Stefan’s room to get him in trouble and make the staff believe that Stefan’s words couldn’t be trusted. Instead of being the loud mouth that we know he’s capable of being, the scene cuts short with Stefan looking stupefied, rather than him just saying “It’s not mine”.
All of the beautiful craft from the actors, cinematography, set dressing, props, make up and effects seemed wasted by this script. I haven’t felt this bamboozled by a film in a long while. To have such high caliber in every other facet of the film, only to throw it away on a shaky at best script?
Jenny, as presented, wouldn’t “rule” a thing in a story that practically worked. Just knock the stupid thing to the floor and start pulling on what’s left of Dave’s hair.
The circumstances needed to be more dire, more frightening with greater stakes and consequences to make the impact it could have.
The film has lots of elements of possibility and brilliance, but the script just wasn’t there for it, which was greatly disappointing.