Welcome to QBP Reviews!
We are super excited to launch our independent review page with our Founder and Rotten Tomatoes Certified Critic Amyana Bartley!
As always, we will use this page and Amyana’s voice to lift up inspired and marginalized filmmakers. While we are building our company, we are thrilled to be able to use our platform for the good of talented artists.
You will find all of Amyana’s reviews, done with the utmost care, honesty and in the best interest of the viewer. You can see some of her previous work on her official Rotten Tomatoes page here. Even more of her reviews, interviews and articles with Film Inquiry here.
If you are a talented filmmaker with a great film we want to hear from you! Email Amyana directly for the current schedule and wait list for a review! amyana@qbphive.com Together we can build the film industry we want to see with inclusion for all talented artists!
Let the reviews begin!