#Unfit: A Summary of Four Years of News with a Warning
Source: Bronson Park Films
“Donald Trump is like a practical joke that got out of hand”-George Conway
Let’s face it, the past four years have been some of the most tumultuous years America has seen. I don’t think there has been a president in history that has been so protested. It seems that everything the Trump Administration does is to destroy any and all progress we have attained with other administrations.
#Unfit serves as an all encompassing run down of Trump’s most shameful antics, that are only news to those who haven’t been watching all along.
The Psychology
Using experts in psychology and those who have worked with/known Trump, the film presents a strong case for what is known as “Malignant Narcissism”. According to the DSM-5, the default book that diagnoses mental disorders, Malignant Narcissism needs four components for this diagnosis. 1: Paranoia, 2: Sadism, 3: Anti-Personality Disorder and 4: Narcissism.
Using Trump’s own Tweets; clips from his interviews and press conferences; and his own actions/policies, they propose that Trump is, in fact, a Malignant Narcissist.
Critics of the psychologists who have come forward in the past, claiming that Trump is psychologically unfit to serve, state that these mental health professionals have no way of “diagnosing” Trump when he isn’t their client.
However, Trump’s consistent, tireless assaults on our people and our democracy seem to speak for themselves.
The Tarasoff Rule
Source: Bronson Park Films
The film takes us back in time for a bit to 1964 when Barry Goldwater was running for President. It talks about a stunt by psychologists to ruin Goldwater’s chances of winning by falsely accusing him of being psychologically unfit. Goldwater sued for libel and won, as they had no evidence to back up their claims.
Most of the time a psychologist/client relationship is protected under privacy laws. However, the Tarasoff Rule of 1974, “imposes a duty on a therapist to warn appropriate persons when a patient may present a risk of harm to a specific person or persons”. For example, if a client tells a therapist that they are going to kill themselves or another person, it becomes law for the therapist to report it to authorities.
The psychologists in the film contend that this rule applies to Trump and his actions and why they felt compelled to come forward because of it. They state that the evidence far exceeds claims from the Goldwater case, as Trump’s actions alone prove their claims.
Do we know if this is all true for sure? Of course not, and my guess is that we never will.
In All Honesty…
But that doesn’t mean it isn’t true either.
Trump, on so many occasions, has spent his time in our White House doing some of the most self serving and despicable acts any acting President ever has. He has proven himself to be unstable, unreliable, intolerant, revenge-driven, childish and downright disgusting.
He clearly has no boundaries and has no respect for the law or of anyone else but himself. He lacks a basic empathy that mimics demagogues of the past and of today. He has also sided with current demagogues, emulating their behavior and desiring their power. Anyone can see that.
Source: Bronson Park Films
But Trump supporters, according to the film, are supporting him because they are “angry”. Angry about being “left out”. They may have a right to be angry about certain things and may have some valid points regarding some of their anger. But if it’s just about “I’m not being celebrated anymore because I’m white”, that holds very little regard in our changing global society.
As human beings and as beings with souls we have the duty to learn and grow our entire lifetime. We have the duty to adjust with change and continue to educate ourselves on anything deemed “different” in the world because anything that a human can be is still human-good or bad. The bottom line is, one race does not inherently deserve all the glory, nor does one gender.
We have a duty to reject stereotypes and the toxic beliefs people we grew up with may have erroneously laid on us. We have the duty to help and serve each other, because NONE of us can do this alone. It’s okay to be angry about the way things are changing, but it is never ok to chastise or harm others because of it.
Trump reflects our dark sides like a glaring mirror and most of us don’t like to look at it. However, it is 100% up to us to deal with it. Do we continue to turn a blind eye believing “that doesn’t affect me”? Do we continue to let party politics divide us further and lead our country down a path that we won’t be able to fix for decades to come? A path that will have dire consequences on our lives and the lives of others?
Do we continue to buy into the vitriol and spite and allow the dark to consume us as a whole? No. The entire world survives on balance and we are not separate from that. Though we are FAR from balanced as a species, that doesn’t mean that life isn’t trying to get us there at all times.
Which is why we fight. It’s why we care. It’s why we help others. It’s why we share. Deep down we all know the answer, it’s just a matter of navigating our journeys to come back to our truths. That takes an inordinate amount of work that, again, we cannot do on our own. Being decent, kind and honest isn’t dumb, it’s right.
Source: Bronson Park Films
#Unfit is an important documentary for those who haven’t been watching the news these past four years. It makes some fascinating points. But at the end of the day, does it matter what Trump is diagnosed with?
It is to the point where our very existence is being threatened by extremists and their minions are willing to lay down like cowards to allow it to happen. Greed, power-the earthly kind, and chaos reigns in our world. We allow 1% of the population to covet and exploit the riches of our planet and dehumanize the masses, all for “things” that mean nothing in the end.
We cannot and must not, as a whole, allow someone like this a second chance. He has shown us over and over again who he is and what little regard he has for anyone else, but that still isn’t swaying those who wish to stay lost and buried under the muck.
#Unfit represents a wake up call to those of us who know better, to do better. We have the power, as a collective, to demand the “elites” out of everything. Rules can always be changed. Things that we value can also be changed. The question remains, though, will we ever actually DO something about it?
We MUST listen when anyone shows us who they are, because they are unlikely to change. Especially when they’ve been living that way for 74 years. Those who don’t are doomed to suffer the same consequences over and over again, ad nauseum.
We all need to open our hearts and be more compassionate. We need to listen more and talk less. We need to empathize with the suffering and find ways to ease pain. We need to reject the material gods that the 1% peddles as “happiness” and focus on healing and loving. All that has existed in the name of greed must be dismantled and driven out, starting with the “leaders” who value it.
We can do better, we just need the self esteem and clarity to recognize that we deserve it. Let’s do this together.